Who is Jesus?


Jesus is the son of God who came to Earth to save our souls!

In a miracle birth, Mary had a baby who IS God! He came from Heaven in the form of a human to teach us, to guide us and to show us love so that we would understand the way He wants us to live and how to behave.

He did this so that, when our life on Earth is over, we can be in Heaven with Him forever… and not go to Hell with Satan.

Jesus loves us so much that He died on the cross to forgive and erase our sins. He paid this price so that we don’t have to!

Jesus wants us to tell Him that we believe in Him so that we can have the Holy Spirit come to live in our heart. When you do, you become a child of God! Once you do that, you can tell people your story of how you got saved by Jesus, and other people might become believers, too!

Jesus is mentioned in both the Old Testament and New Testament in the Bible. He has been with us since the very beginning of time… even in Genesis 1:1!

Come to church to learn about Jesus, to study the Bible and to praise Him! The more you learn about Him, the more you want to share His good news!